A smoothie is a creamy and thick mixture of fruits, vegetables, liquids (such as water, milk, or juice), and optionally other ingredients like yogurt, ice, or nuts. These ingredients are blended in a blender or food processor to achieve a smooth consistency. They are often enjoyed as healthy meals or snacks because they provide an easy way to incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into the diet.
To make green smoothies, you need a selection of green leafy vegetables and other nutrient-rich plants. Here are five plants you can grow in your garden to have ingredients for green smoothies:
Green orach/ garden orache/ mountain spinach/ french spinach/ orache/ arrach (Atriplex hortensis)
Green orach is also one of the rediscovered ancient vegetable rarities. Their leaves can be picked and prepared like spinach and taste delicious raw as salad, steamed or sautéed.
Garden sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
Very uncomplicated and unpretentious, perennial plant. The leaves can be prepared fresh as a salad or also briefly blanched or steamed as a vegetable. Also popular as pesto or soup.
Spinach 'Matador' (Spinacia oleracea)
Spinach grows fast in the garden and on the balcony. The healthy leaves are used as salad and vegetables.
Winter purslane (Montia perfoliata)
Winter purslane is a versatile and healthy, early producing leaf vegetable, with a lovely mild flavour similar to corn salad.
Russian Curly Kale (Brassica oleracea convar. acephala var.sabellica)
The ‘Red Russian’ is a robust curly kale variety from Siberia, which has an exquisite flavour. The name refers to its leaves, which change to red after taking in sunlight.
The seeds of each variety are packaged in a separate sachet.
The seed sachets and detailed growing instructions in German and English are packed in a beautiful gift box - a great, sustainable gift for the garden. Any plant lover will be pleased.