Shrub & Hedge Plant Seeds

Single shrubs and hedges are often used as design elements in parks to create space, lay out structures, and steer vista. They also have a permanent place in the garden as a privacy hedge or fence replacement as well as an eye-catcher in a solitary position.

There are cut-tolerant shrubs that are suitable for formal, cut hedges like boxwood, privet, and many tree species but there are also such shrubs you can use very well for so-called wild-growing hedges. Furthermore, many blooming shrub species are suitable as hedges, which, of course, increases the hedge's appeal from a visual point of view.

When planting, the ecological aspect should always also play a big part as it's beneficial for nature if you draw on plants that are native to the respective region. Most often, these are also very good food sources for native bird species as well as for beneficial insects.

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