Would you like to grow uncomplicated, easy-to-care-for flowers year after year – plants that thrive in your flowerbeds, producing abundant and beautiful blooms? Then become your own plant breeder, developing varieties to suit your specific growing conditions from these open-pollinated organic seeds. This Seed Saving Kit contains everything you need: A detailed general guide to 'Growing from Seed' to help you get going. An extra booklet packed with information on propagating plants by saving your own seed, in German and English. 12 wooden plant labels and 12 empty seed packets for saving your first seed harvest along with coloured stickers for closing the packets. These 12 organic flower varieties will get you off to the perfect start in spring:
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Manufacturer information: Magic Garden Seeds GmbH | Junkersstraße 7 | Regensburg, Germany, 93055 | service@magicgardenseeds.com | https://www.magicgardenseeds.com
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