The Japanese Bunching Onion 'Ishikura' belongs to the easy-to-grow spring onions without bulb formation, with long, white, outstandingly thick scapes and freshly green, upright foliage. The taste is mild, spicy and very aromatic. It can be consumed raw as in salads, dips and quark with herbs as well as fried and boiled. It is an important part of many dishes of the Asian, especially the Japanese, kitchen where it's used as Naga Negi for Sukiyaki and soups. The variety 'Ishikura' is very hardy and, therefore, perfectly suitable for perennial cultivation. It can be sown from the beginning of March for the summer harvest as well as in autumn for the hibernation harvest in spring. It's suitable as a bed-framing as it grows in clusters and doesn't sprawl and can also be grown in 10 litre pots on the balcony. Bunching onions are also known as spring onions, escallions, or green onions. Seeds, content: Approx. 500 seeds for Bunching Onion 'Ishikura'
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