The Mexican Sour Gherkin, also known as Cucamelon, is a climber with white blossoms which bears small, approximately grape-sized gherkins all summer long. Botanically speaking it's not a gherkin but a related cucurbit. The fruits, which look like tiny watermelons, are crispy and have a pronounced sweet and sour gherkin flavour. The perfect snack. Children love those gherkins. Also suitable for pickling. The plant can be hibernated frost-free and bears fruits again in the next year.
All reviews:
Not for everyone's climate zone In 5 month we got these plants grow up to about 20 cm length each, no fruit. The plant definitely does not like mild climates with up to +20C during day. It would probably grow much better in a toasty glasshouse or in Mediterranean regions. We will not be planting it again.
In 5 month we got these plants grow up to about 20 cm length each, no fruit. The plant definitely does not like mild climates with up to +20C during day. It would probably grow much better in a toasty glasshouse or in Mediterranean regions. We will not be planting it again.
freu mich schon Bisher alle aufgegangen und wachsen und gedeihen
Bisher alle aufgegangen und wachsen und gedeihen
Originell, hübsch, lecker, pflegeleicht Mein Star des letzten Sommers. Ein Hingucker mit den hübschen kleinen Gürkchen, die wie Miniaturmelonen aussehen. Und lecker sind sie auch noch!
Mein Star des letzten Sommers. Ein Hingucker mit den hübschen kleinen Gürkchen, die wie Miniaturmelonen aussehen. Und lecker sind sie auch noch!
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