The Goat's Beard is a forest plant that also prospers in shady places in the garden. If the soil is humous and continuously moist, it also tolerates a little more sun. It mostly grows 150cm high but can even reach two metres in height when planted in an ideal location. With its beautiful foliage, which turns yellow in autumn, and its impressive, pinnate, white blossoms, it is an ornament for every near-natural wild shrub garden. Its blossoms with their up to 50cm long stalks are suitable as cut flowers for high vases. It is completely hardy and grows to an impressive shrub cluster with a perimeter of more than one metre over time and visually slightly reminds of meadowsweet. After a development phase, the young shoots can be annually harvested from strong plants in spring (called "wild asparagus). They are, for example, very delicate as a cream soup and can be generally used like asparagus. Therefore, they also make a good garnish when steamed. The leaves are also edible but contain a small amount of hydrocyanic acid and shouldn't be used in larger amounts.
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Wald Geißbart 2016 Vorkultur im Haus und nichts ist gekeimt. Jetzt hab ich die Samen zur Kältestratifizierung in den Kühlschrank gestellt und probiere es nochmal...
2016 Vorkultur im Haus und nichts ist gekeimt. Jetzt hab ich die Samen zur Kältestratifizierung in den Kühlschrank gestellt und probiere es nochmal...
Manufacturer information: Magic Garden Seeds GmbH | Junkersstraße 7 | Regensburg, Germany, 93055 | |
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