The wild bergamot is a beautiful, perennial shrub for dry locations. It originates from North America and Mexico and is a typical prairie and steppe inhabitant. Therefore, it prefers the sunny locations in the garden. From July to autumn it bears many large blossoms in red, pink, and purple. From time to time, there are also white varieties. The pollination takes place mainly through bees, for which it's a good food plant. Among the North American Indian tribes, the bergamot is also known as a good medicinal plant against respiratory diseases. Most often, a tea (called Oswego tea) made out of the very aromatic leaves is used. These smell of lemons and thyme and can also be used as a spice in the kitchen. Unfortunately, the members of the Monarda species are prone to blight. The wild bergamot is considered one of the most robust varieties. If you offer it sufficient space and an airy location, chances aren't bad for a splendid, healthy appearance. Strong pruning back after the heyday also promotes the shrub's health.
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