Cistus is an ancient cure from the Mediterranean region, which is taken as tea there. Due to the plentifully contained polyphenol and flavonoid, it's said to be a very good remedy against flues and colds. It's a perennial but non-hardy dwarf shrub that gets approx. 25-90cm high. The leaves secern a sticky resin that's called labdanum. This has already been known amongst the Egyptians and was added to fragrant incense mixtures. Furthermore, it's used in the perfume industry today.
All reviews:
Good seeds Almost all seeds germinated and I got severas plants now. They grow a bit slow at first and develop the distinctive scent only after they've grown a bit, but after several months they have branched out and doing very well.
Almost all seeds germinated and I got severas plants now. They grow a bit slow at first and develop the distinctive scent only after they've grown a bit, but after several months they have branched out and doing very well.
Germinates well The cistus seeds germinated well, I didn't even plant all of them because I wanted to see first how it goes, but many sprouted and are now growing beautifully. So far, they've been very easy to grow.
The cistus seeds germinated well, I didn't even plant all of them because I wanted to see first how it goes, but many sprouted and are now growing beautifully. So far, they've been very easy to grow.
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