Meadowsweet is a herb blooming creamy-white and foamy at the summer solstice that settles especially in swamps, streams, and riverbanks.
Together with vervain, mistletoe, and watercress, it belongs to the 4 healing herbs of the Celtic druids.
It pleasantly smells like honey and vanilla and was, therefore, often scattered in the home. Furthermore, beekeepers have rubbed out their beehives with it and it was used for beer. Its name, on the one hand, stems from its scent, on the other hand, meadowsweet is a very good honey plant. It has also been used as a dyeing plant.
Meadowsweet is an important indigenous medicinal plant. Its infusion is diuretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, and mood-lifting. Furthermore, the herb contains salicylic acid what's transformed into natural aspirin inside the body. Therefore, it's often used against colds.
The name meadowsweet derives from mead, honey wine.