Trumpet gentian, also known as stemless gentian, is native to the European Alps. Its dark blue flowers appear very early in spring. The long-lived perennial and extremely hardy flower spreads after successful cultivation preferentially in rock gardens, where it forms small bushels and requires only very little care. It is a good ground cover and forms small clusters or tufts of several plants. It is well suited as a cemetery plant because of its evergreen foliage and can also be grown as a pot plant. This species is similar in appearance to gentiana clusii, although it does not thrive well on calcareous soils, but rather on nutrient-poor pastures and mountain meadows with a low lime content. It is a protected plant of the Alps and may not be collected growing in the wild. Gentian root is a strong and reliable remedy whose bitter substances have a strengthening effect on the digestive system and are an effective tonic in general.
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