Probably because of its stimulating effect on digestion, mugwort is a very popular condiment for roast goose in Germany, and used to season fat and greasy dishes in many regional cuisines. Also many other dishes are seasoned with the undemanding wild plant. Mugwort tea is used in many countries to cure women's diseases, and Midwives also used the plant since ancient times. It has the longest tradition as an incense herb, however - its use can be traced back to the Stone Age, and nowadays many mugwort species are still smoked as incense - for example, in Chinese medicine as a moxa herb. In the Middle Ages, before hops replaced it, mugwort was also frequently used to flavour beer.
All reviews:
easy to grow these. Didn't even bother germinating them in a propagator, just scattered the very fine seeds into a widow box and they're growing quite happily on the windowsill atm, until it's warm enough to put them outside :)
Didn't even bother germinating them in a propagator, just scattered the very fine seeds into a widow box and they're growing quite happily on the windowsill atm, until it's warm enough to put them outside :)
plant Beautiful germination
Beautiful germination
Great plant Nice decorative plant. Happy with it
Nice decorative plant. Happy with it
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