Courgette-, zucchini plant seeds

Courgettes belong to the category summer squashes and are closely related to the vegetable marrow. These days you can find a whole range of different species, from the typical green and oblong shape, to round-shaped crops as white, yellow or striped varieties.
Particularly the Italians mastered the art of preparing courgettes well. This may be due to the fact that they prefer to pick the crops early, before they reach large dimensions and loose their delicate flavour.
It is also highly recommended to experiment with preparing the beautiful large courgette flowers, which are a true delicacy when deep-fried, stuffed or baked.
Courgettes are monoecious and therefore produce male and female flowers on one plant. Despite that it is still advisable to cultivate at least to plants side by side to encourage cross-pollination, which promotes stronger, on-going harvests.

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